Cabin Moved!
I do have to admit, event though I have been visualizing this moment throughout the cabin project, it's just not the same when it comes to actually see in it in real life verse what I saw in my head. The holistic experience of the just being in the cabin and hearing the owls hoot, and watching the leaves bristle and sway with the winds, feeling the breeze swift through the cabin, and smelling the wet grass from morning dew. A cabin is not a true cabin until it is in the woods.
I am very tempted to start the nesting phase, but I still have to remind myself that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done before any permanent installations on my part can be put in. Some of the things that come to mind is that I should put up bug screens for the two large door openings. Because the house is sitting on very sloped floor, I still need to find a jack and prop some more cinder blocks to level out the house. That means the doors and openings still have some shifting to do. I was told a 2-ton car jack should do the job. Other projects seem to pop in my head before this project is complete, a temptation I must resist, includes building decks with overhead coverings, and a porch for the frond entry. Maybe it till happen down the road, but for now I must stay focused at the project at hand.
Think Safety & Security
Now that the cabin has been moved to a more remote location, I have to keep in mind that there are still scrupulous people out there and I need to protect the cabin from vandalism and theft. I had purchased a couple of padded locks that are heavy duty and weather proof.
I purchased a fire extinguisher since I don't have access to running water out there and a first aid kit. I have a wind-up Swiss flashlight (gift from a friend) and found it to be VERY handy in the cabin. Sometimes I stay out there so long I forget how fast the light disappears. Currently there are no energy source until the next spring season.
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